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Visa Guidelines is back

Alhamdulillah, I got married to a lovely lady by the name of Sarah and we're enjoying our new phase in life since that momentous day.

And yeah, I graduated from the University of Nottingham and thus, escaping from the evil clutches of my medical school. woot2! probably needs a post on this as well but yeah, maybe later.

at the bottom of this blog, there is an article on visa guidelines for medical students graduated from UK medical schools under MARA scholarship who are planning to work as an FY1 doctor in the UK.

After all, it was my visa guidelines which i made 5 years ago that helped me to get to know a lot of people and for some, have now become my close friends. And it helped a lot of other people as well. So I hope that this guideline would ease your efforts a bit. Visa application is always confusing.

Scroll down to the bottom for the guideline

Monday, April 29, 2013

don't stop believin'

Hello readers,

I made this during the Occupational Therapy session ^_^

Guess what I did this afternoon? I've been running around my house telling my housemates that I passed my coursework. Let me rephrase that, I "THINK" I pass my coursework. In fact, this was what I said, "Aku rasa aku pass coursework aku" and then, I grinned like an idiot. So sad, I know. Pass coursework pon nak bagitau semua orang -_-"

Let me explain to you why I said, I "think":

Firstly, I noticed this news on our website..

..which technically means my MARKS will be available in the logbook. 

Secondly, my friends who did the module earlier told me that if you failed, you'd receive an email after 2 weeks of submission asking you to redo the coursework. And I didn't received any email till now but I didn't want to hold onto a false hope so I just assumed I haven't passed. Nonetheless, since I saw this news (the screenshot), I pretty much certain that I've passed my final coursework as a medical student. Alhamdulillah!!!

I'm so happy, thank you Allah. 4th Year has been a rough period (but first half of Year 3 was and will always be the worst). Huhu, I'm just so thankful right now.

Technically I have passed 25 credits (Paediatrics Skills) + 2/3 of 20 credits (HCE, Healthcare of the Elderly) = 38.3333333 credits for 4th Year, yeay! Just 141.666667 credits to go -_-"

But I'm happy really. I really need these silver linings to keep me going for the exams in the next 2 weeks. I know, maybe you would question whether I would be happy if my marks are not that high. Guess what? I think I would. 

Imagine this - someone who loves cheesecakes and hasn't had cheesecakes for years because he lives in a country without cheesecakes.

Guess what would make him/her happy? 

Fish and chips?
Tetttt. Wrong answer.

I am the person who hasn't had cheesecakes for years! I am more than happy to pass :)

I have failed so much in November that a mere pass is enough to make me smile. Don't get me wrong, my performance was definitely 1st class. Meaning.. my effort is the best that I can give but the result; is up to Allah to decide.

And almost anything that makes me happy during this period leading up to 13th of May would boost my morale. One of them would be the tile (featured photo) that I made whilst doing Psychiatry in Derby and another would be the inspirational comment given by a lovely lady which I put up on FB:

By the way, I don't actually know my actual marks. I really hope I pass. Would be so awkward if I didn't, haha. So yeah, just follow my updates on Twitter to find out more.

Silver linings keep coming my way. I really hope these 7 exams in May will be my future silver linings as well...

3 reviews:

  1. :) ALLAH bersamamu selalu. semoga berjaya

  2. all the best A!

  3. to Ghost :P,

    thanks! inshaAllah biiznillah

    to Anonymous,

    all the best to u too!
