Funny how the date of my 1st day of class is featured in this song.
Well, living in an area where you're the minority isn't exactly how I imagined. Talk about cross-cultural differences!
"Do you drink?"
"Are you going to the Medics Cocktail Party?"
"You can just call me if you want to organize great parties."
Yeah, this is life!
Oh, and this is my 1st time raya giler!

If I can dance my way through KMB, might as well be dancing again through the University of Nottingham. I just need to keep on going, the rhythm & steps maybe different but I'm still me.
Speaking of steps, this is how waterproof shoes look like:

And my's been going on for days. Imagine that it's not even been a month and you've started missing other people. Haish ~
Well, living in an area where you're the minority isn't exactly how I imagined. Talk about cross-cultural differences!
"Do you drink?"
"Are you going to the Medics Cocktail Party?"
"You can just call me if you want to organize great parties."
Yeah, this is life!
Oh, and this is my 1st time raya giler!
"Tell me you remember....Our dancing in September..."
If I can dance my way through KMB, might as well be dancing again through the University of Nottingham. I just need to keep on going, the rhythm & steps maybe different but I'm still me.
Speaking of steps, this is how waterproof shoes look like:

And my's been going on for days. Imagine that it's not even been a month and you've started missing other people. Haish ~
"Did you know that when people appear in your dreams, it's because of their feelings wanting to see you...?"
Honey and Clover
Episode 14
Episode 14
Jadi...kau rindu kat aku ke? :P
Anyway, I think it's the other way around too...
Anyway, I think it's the other way around too...
rase nak menangis sbb nak pgi notts jgk. n xtau wether bende tu achievable ke tak. and i am a kmb-ians as well. hehe
ReplyDeletewell, try je la & we'll c what happens, tmpt laen ok jgk tp notts mmg best! =)
ReplyDeleteof cos nak promot notts kan klu da gi notts.
ReplyDeletetakpe. take your words gak.
''tempat lain pun ok''
so, =)
-si penglalu lalang.
hehe, sila2...sila lalu lalang
ReplyDeleteyup, tmpt laen pon ok je =)
wahwah...kasut waterproof. hehe. pakai boot lg stylo..ngehee
ReplyDeletep/s: Manchester pun best gak!
boot pakai waktu winter la :P
ReplyDeletehehe, manchester mmg best jgk...that's why i applied for it too =D
kasut brand ape tuh?hehe
ReplyDeletejom jumpe ramai2 mase notts game..insyaAllah
wow! farid wajdi dtg blog aku =)
ReplyDeletekasut brand hi-tec. hehe.
notts games? jom2!!!
posing sama jek....hehehe
ReplyDeletemusang??? cm xde haiwan lain
ReplyDeleteposing sama ek? xpe, lps ni tukar :P
t'capai gak hasrat ko beli kasut waterproof tu adlan..abes kecoh fesbuk mase ko x dpt beli lg ari tu..hohoho
ReplyDeletebtw, honey & clover tu bkn citer katun kat animax ke? o.O
kecoh satu facebook??? mane ade, org laen yg kecoh sape suruh :P
ReplyDeleteyeap2, honey & clover tu anime la...;)
adlan and his waterproof shoes can go to ****.. hahah~~ best r post nih.. (lambat gler ak bace)
ReplyDeleteanyway notts mmg cool
to helmi,
ReplyDeletehaha, xpe. comment aje. aku bace...;)