Dari Malaysia ke Palestin...

A snippet from a local newspaper:
"We are scared... that we can die at any moment,"
said 11-year-old Mohammed Ayyad who lives near a government compound blasted in the overnight raids.
Source: NST
Now, people around the world are awaken from their own perpetual slumber. Everywhere, here and there, demonstrations are being held and protests towards Israel are being heard. It's the time to be neither ignorant nor indifferent.
Fellow bloggers already have their own posts on this matter. My post may not open the eyes of 1 million people but if I can make 1 person be cognizant of this issue, at least it's a start.
Marilah kita berdoa. Bukankah doa adalah senjata orang mukmin?
From Malaysia to Palestine...

A snippet from a local newspaper:
"We are scared... that we can die at any moment,"
said 11-year-old Mohammed Ayyad who lives near a government compound blasted in the overnight raids.
Source: NST
Now, people around the world are awaken from their own perpetual slumber. Everywhere, here and there, demonstrations are being held and protests towards Israel are being heard. It's the time to be neither ignorant nor indifferent.
Fellow bloggers already have their own posts on this matter. My post may not open the eyes of 1 million people but if I can make 1 person be cognizant of this issue, at least it's a start.
Marilah kita berdoa. Bukankah doa adalah senjata orang mukmin?
"...Berdoalah kepada-Ku, nescaya akan aku perkenankan bagimu..."
(Al-Mu'min (40): 60)
(Al-Mu'min (40): 60)
From Malaysia to Palestine...