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Visa Guidelines is back

Alhamdulillah, I got married to a lovely lady by the name of Sarah and we're enjoying our new phase in life since that momentous day.

And yeah, I graduated from the University of Nottingham and thus, escaping from the evil clutches of my medical school. woot2! probably needs a post on this as well but yeah, maybe later.

at the bottom of this blog, there is an article on visa guidelines for medical students graduated from UK medical schools under MARA scholarship who are planning to work as an FY1 doctor in the UK.

After all, it was my visa guidelines which i made 5 years ago that helped me to get to know a lot of people and for some, have now become my close friends. And it helped a lot of other people as well. So I hope that this guideline would ease your efforts a bit. Visa application is always confusing.

Scroll down to the bottom for the guideline

Saturday, July 12, 2008

listen to your heart

I always believe that happiness is essential in everyone's life. But somehow, there are several days in my life where I find myself troubled or emotionally tormented by many minor irritations of life.

What I believe is that we should take time to relax and hear the heart out. Listen to what matters inside.

"The way to the heart is through the ears"
Katie Hurley

Sometimes, I just could not focus on the things that I do, something is just not right. Then I realize; I'm entangled in some kind of perplexities. In addition, I'm quite appalled at how small my problems can be. Something so small can make me lose my heedfulness.

Only when I have find peace in my heart, then I would be able to concentrate on my existing tasks. Until I attain that, I shall continue to listen...

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