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Visa Guidelines is back

Alhamdulillah, I got married to a lovely lady by the name of Sarah and we're enjoying our new phase in life since that momentous day.

And yeah, I graduated from the University of Nottingham and thus, escaping from the evil clutches of my medical school. woot2! probably needs a post on this as well but yeah, maybe later.

at the bottom of this blog, there is an article on visa guidelines for medical students graduated from UK medical schools under MARA scholarship who are planning to work as an FY1 doctor in the UK.

After all, it was my visa guidelines which i made 5 years ago that helped me to get to know a lot of people and for some, have now become my close friends. And it helped a lot of other people as well. So I hope that this guideline would ease your efforts a bit. Visa application is always confusing.

Scroll down to the bottom for the guideline

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Long, long time ago, there was an innocent boy by the name of Wafi. He was at the hospital as his parents had just been blessed with another child; which means a little sister for little Wafi! It was at that time when he saw his Opah performing tahnik on Mira; and Wafi, being a curious young lad asked what that was for. Opah thought about the simplest thing to say to her little grandchild and remarked, "so that she would always smile". Little did Opah know that this past event was responsible of her grandson's well being in the present.

From that day forward, I promised myself that I shall smile to the rest of the world...

"Keep the smile" 

"You have a lovely smile"

"Aku suka dengan senyuman kau"

"Geez Adlan, can you please stop smiling?"

"Adlan, senyum la bagi nampak gigi" (my response - tak nak :P)

"Fill in the blank: Adlan Wafi Ramli has never been able to _____.
Stop smiling=)

"Kau banyak senyum, so aku akan panggil kau slimey smiley. Eh, tapi kau pon selalu senyum (while looking at another person who was also in that room)"

And the most popular,

"Adlan, asal kau senyum sorang-sorang?"

Last year, I got a text from my morale booster in Nottingham. "ok no wonder ***** tu ur friend. sama je dua-dua :P" Guess what? This is something that we both share :)

As I go along many phases of life, I apprehended the noteworthiness of smiling and learned that Rasulullah smiles a lot. That made me want to smile even more :)

It's not that hard smile and all. Besides, I practised since I was a kid. Hehe.

(Just happen to love the colours in this photo)

I smile continuously...

9 reviews:

  1. Salam...

    one smile can change everything...

  2. tolongla senyum tunjuk gigi :p

  3. to 1st anonymous,

    yeap2. true2 ;)

    to 2nd anonymous,

    i didn't practise it that way. huhu

  4. saye tak slalu senyum. harap jgn disamakan ye. :|

    3rd anonymous

  5. to 3rd anonymous,



  6. adlan....nice blog (akhirnya jumpa gak)..haha

    p/s: follow my blog..baru nak berjinak2 ngan dunia blog...lalalalalala~~~ (^_^)

  7. to Pejuang Muda,

    is that u hisyam?? hehe, already linked ur blog to my blog list :D

    all the best, insyaAllah ;)

  8. A smile can change a life

    let's start believing

    and feeling, let's start healing..

    تبسمك لأخيك صدقه

  9. and how come i've never heard that song? haha.

    thanks farid :)
